We receive many great applications from skilled height accesss workers and window cleaners looking for work. Unfortunately, as much as we would like, we cannot employ every applicant. We simply don't have that amount of work or positions available
So please use this page as an opportunity to place yourself on our
Job Register.
Other height access/window cleaning companies will have the opportunity to also review your details and hopefully you will receive an offer of work.
We are in in a Global industry and our skills are in high demand.
Please submit as much information as you can. Maybe share an interesting work story. Make your entry as alive with interest as possible. Upload images. Whatever you feel ever will help you stand out. All submissions will be kept active for 12 months.
The Vertical Challenge Home Page presently receives around 30,000 page views a month. So you stand a great chance of being seen by someone searching for skilled height workers.
There is no fee for your submission and we wish you the very best in finding a great job and having a great adventure.
Good Luck!
Gary James
Vertical Challenge Pty Ltd